About Us > Robin's CV
Robin's CV
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Robin John Leary Kelly N Z Medical Council # 10370 ![]() Contact: 40 English Oak Drive, The Oaks, Albany, Auckland 0632, New Zealand. Phone: 64-9-4146442 (b), 64-9-4146432(h + fax). E mail:robinjlkelly@gmail.com Company name : AcuPilCo Ltd. Web: www.robinkelly.co.nz Family: Married Trish 1975. Three children - Sophie b.1982, Lucy b.1985, Toby b.1996. Grandchildren - Pyper b.2009. Peyton b.2012. Riley b.2021 Works from home in family run practice. Trish practice manager/nurse receptionist. Born : 23/8/51. Pinner, London. UK. Educated : Northwood Preparatory School (56-64); Epsom College (64-69); Middlesex Hospital Medical School, London University (69-74). Examinations and Qualifications: 10 O-Level GCE; 3 A-Level GCE (Biology/Chemistry/Physics.) Freer Lucas Scholarship. Asher Asher Prize. MRCS (Eng.), LRCP (Lon.). 1974 MRNZCGP 1986. FRNZCGP 1998. MOPS – current (2022-..) Medical Practice: House physician and surgeon, Mount Vernon, Hillingdon and Middlesex Hospital, London (75-77.) Radiotherapy/oncology registrar Middlesex Hospital (77.) Paediatric registrar, Auckland Hospital Board NZ (78-80) General practice registrar, Auckland (80-81) Principal General Practice Takapuna/Milford, Auckland (81-91) Police Surgeon North Shore, Auckland. (81-85) Medical Officer -Te Mana Geriatric Hospital (85-87) Medical Officer - Psycho-paediatrics North Shore Hosp (87-89) Medical Director North Shore Hospice. (93-97) Medical acupuncture/ MindBody Medicine General Practice, Takapuna/Albany (91- ); Massey University Student Health Doctor, Albany, AK. (04- ) Monthly MindBody Healing Workshops for the Multiple Sclerosis Society (North Shore) (05-10). Honorary positions: Executive member NZMA North Shore Branch (84-85); ShoreCare (88-90); Medical Acupuncture Society (NZ) (83- ). President Medical Acupuncture Society (NZ) (90-92). Co-President Medical Acupuncture Society (NZ) (2010- ) Education Convener/Academic Dean Medical Acupuncture Society (NZ) (04 - ) Executive World Natural Medicine Foundation. (95). Board member Raeburn House Community Health (00-4). Founding Trustee MindBody Trust New Zealand (04-10). Membership (professional and other): MAS(NZ), RNZCGP, Scientific and Medical Network, Pan Pacific Medical Forum, North Shore Golf Club. Teaching/ workshops/ presentations. National: Senior teacher Medical Acupuncture Society (NZ.) (85- ) yearly presentations at national conferences. Invited speaker for community support groups –Arthritis Foundation, Lupus Support, ME Society, various transpersonal healer groups, Probus, U3A etc. Workshop “Healing and the Non-Local Mind” Inaugural Mind Body Conf. Auckland. 04. "Contemporary Medical Acupuncture" Goodfellow Postgraduate Symposium April 2007. Tamaki Campus Auckland. AIMA presentations 2006-7. TEDx Auckland Oct 1st 2009. Inaugural meeting. 'The Human Hologram.' 2010 -2012 presentations at AIMA (NZ), NZMA (NZ), and the Holistic Cancer Congress (NZ.) Keynote speaker The Holistic Cancer Congress, Auckland 2012 . Lecture: 'Peaceful Solutions: Ending the War on Cancer' 2nd Holistic Cancer Congress (NZ) March 2013. Teaching/ workshops/ presentations. International: Presentations and workshops at Pan Pacific Acupuncture Forum, Vancouver 1992, Queensland 1996, Taupo 2004. Invited speaker Australian Medical Acupuncture Association 1994. Acupuncture in fatigue states. Gawler Institute International Mind/Body Conference 1998. The Science, Art and Spirit of Medicine. Victoria, Australia RNZCGP “Healing” Conference Queenstown 1998. MindBody workshop. AIMA Annual Conference 1999 Manly Sydney. MindBody Workshop. WONCA Asia Pacific Conference 2000. The New Physics of the Patient/Doctor Relationship. Workshop. World Natural Medicine Foundation, Edmonton , Canada.1995. Acupuncture and Palliative Care. Invited speaker NZ Theosophical Society October 2007, Two keynote presentations at the Woodford Folk Festival, Queensland, Australia December 2007. Energy Psychology - A New Way Forward in Health Care. With Bruce Lipton and Dawson Church. Auckland. March 2008. Pan Pacific Medical Acupuncture Forum. Toronto. Canada. Oct 20-24 2008. Keynote address: Acupuncture -Gateway to the Infinite. Workshop : Acupuncture and Energy Psychology. Toronto EPC Oct 24-26 2008.Workshop. Energy Psychology and Chronic Illness: Deep Healing with Open Hearts. Vancouver March 2009. Canadian Oriental Medical Symposium. Keynote, 3hr and day long intensive workshop on 'The Science and Practice of Deep Healing.' Presentations at Pan Pacific Medical Acupuncture Forum, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia November 2012. 2012-13 22nd External examiner for postgraduate Medical Acupuncture Program, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. External Examiner Public Lecture 'The Human Hologram - The Science and the Speculation' - May 11th 2013, University of Alberta. Lecture Global Health Rounds 'The Science of Connectedness' - May13th 2013, University of Alberta. Presentation at AIMA Annual Conference, Gold Coast Queensland, October 2013 : "The Quantum Human: The New Paradigm and What it Means for our Work, our Lives and our Future." Workshop:"Energy Psychology, Tapping and Beyond - A Simple Plan for all Practitioners." Workshops and lectures with Mantak Chia at Tao Garden Health Spa, Chiang Mai, Thailand. December 28th 2013 - January 3rd 2014. Cultural Connection Tour.Tom Campbell. Nuclear Physicist. Consciousness researcher. March 4-5th 2017. Panel participant. "Does Consciousness Survive Death" - seminar Auckland March 3rd 2017. "Rising and Thriving Above Addiction." Speaker. Auckland Conference. March 18th 2017. AIMA Australia/NZ Conference presentations 2019-2020. April 2019. Healing from Bullying and Narcissistic Abuse: a workshop for ourselves, our clients and our patients. May 2020. Virtual presentation to AIMA on Non-ionising Radiation Risks. Publications: Various papers and articles in popular medical journals –New Zealand GP, New Zealand Family Physician, New Zealand Herald September 2001. “Healing and the Spiritual Path –The Science,Art and Spirit of Healing.” Pp79-95 Healing Spirit, Mind and Body. Gawler Foundation. Victoria. 1998. 'Healing With Acupuncture: Embracing the Science of Connectedness' New Dawn magazine January/ February 2013. 'The Human Biohologram -A Working Model' New Dawn magazine July/August 2013. 'Quantum Epigenetics and the Human Hologram Model' - New Dawn Special Issue Vol.7 No.5, September 2013. Scientific papers 2019-2020: 1.https://www.nzma.org.nz/journal-articles/on-the-health-effects-of-radiofrequency-radiation 2.https://www.researchgate.net/publication/342085409_Serious_Safety_Concerns_about_5G_Wireless_Deployment_in_Australia_and_New_Zealand Books: “Healing Ways –A Doctor’s Guide to Healing” (Penguin) 2000. Released in NZ and UK. “The Human Aerial” (Zenith Publishing) May 2006. "The Human Antenna - Reading the Language of the Universe in the Songs of Our Cells." (Elite Books. E.P.P.) International release Nov 2007. 2nd Edition release January 2010."The Human Hologram - Living You Life in Harmony with the Unified Field"(Elite Books USA) - released July 2011. Literary Awards: The Human Aerial - Finalist 2007 Ashton Wylie Book Awards (NZ.)The Human Antenna - Finalist 2008 (bronze medal) Ashton Wylie Book Awards (NZ.) The Human Antenna - Finalist 2007 ForeWord Magazine Book Awards (US.) Body mind spirit category. Winner 2008 National Best Books Awards (US.) Science category. The Human Hologram - Winner 'Science Book of the Year' at the 2011 USA Best Books Awards. Finalist in New Age -Non Fiction Category 2011 USA Best Books Awards. Short-listed as finalist at the 2012 Ashton Wylie Book Awards (NZ.) Media: Television: Appearances on TV1 Medical file, Documentary NZ, Assignment, Good Morning (live music), 5.30 Live, Prime TV (book.) March , April 2009, August 2011 - three live appearances on TVNZ Good Morning Show. Radio: Holmes breakfast, 20 minute interview Kim Hill National Radio 2000, various local radio stations after book publication 2000. Songs on Homegrown. December 2007 through 2008 - regular 1-2 hr interviews on US based internet radio shows. February 2008 - Appearance on NZ DVD 'A Guide to Happiness.' March 2008 - filmed by Hollywood company as authority on 'cellular memory' for 'The Making of The Eye.' Early 2008 - promotional DVD for the movie 'The Human Antenna' by NZ director Bryce Langston. 2010 - DVD '10.10.10. - Pill or Perception' - director Theresa Grainger. 'The Human Hologram' - a video series with the Ickonic Media Group February 2020. Participation in 'UnNatural' - documentary movie from UK. Music: Musician, singer/songwriter, with four independently released albums of original songs. “Black Ice” 1998, “Silk and Knives” 2002 and “Shimmer” 2006 (NZ) 2010 (US) and "Something Magical" 2010. Soundtrack of live show 'Shamanarama' released July 2012. Over 100 songs written. Performances at international conferences, TV1 Good Morning (live) with Gray Bartlett, and National Radio (Home Grown.) Feature artist Jim Sutton 1ZB sat pm show Feb 2004. Musical theatre score written. Shimmer nominated for Indie Album of the Year by Indie Music Digest. Runner up in Gary Allen's (Nashville)Best Song of the Summer of 2010. Nashville's Tennessee Concerts 'Hall of Fame' member. One person musical show 'Shamanarama' premiered at Waiheke Island, Auckland's ArtWorks Theatre April 21st 2012, and performed at conferences and private events throughout 2012 - 2015. 5th album 'Orewa Heartbeat' recorded Orewa, New Zealand 2017. Manuka Studios. Released to warm reviews in January 2018. 'Someone Else's Dream' selected as soundtrack for the UK documentary "Plugged In - The True Toxicity of Social Media Revealed" (2019). Director, writer, performer of 'In the Footsteps of the Forgotten -A Musical Odyssey' Auckland Fringe Festival February 24-26 2020. Since then, Robin has written and performed some of his many poems. A 6th album 'Shadowman' was released in October 2022. Sport and Hobbies: Golf (Handicap 13), cricket (captain North Shore Doctors social team 1992 - 2007 ). Wide musical taste – classical-jazz-rock-alternative country –Celtic. Avid reader especially consciousness studies, selective internet user. Walking, gardening, pottering, cinema, theatre. Member GoodCompanyPacific. Contact: 40 English Oak Drive, The Oaks, Schnapper Rock Auckland 0632, NZ. Phone 64-9-4146442 (b), 64-9-4146432 (h + fax), robinjlkelly@gmail.com, Website: www.robinkelly.co.nz |